Hi, I'm Katharina, how nice that you found my site.
I work as a shamanic healer and personal coach,
after my journey through some big and small crises brought me to this place.
I originally have a background in business informatics and still work in IT today, now as a coach for teams.
How do IT and spirituality fit together?
I think my top-heavy part helps me to stay grounded, to understand earthly issues and also to perceive the here and now. The spiritual and creative part helps to understand that everything has a reason, that nothing happens by chance in our lives and that everything is connected.
I became a shamanic healer because I experienced a deep change in myself through shamanism and my life, my perception of life and my being changed dramatically as a result.
With this experience came the impulse to accompany others on their paths, to understand them and to bring the deep issues into healing.
My personal process and trying out many methods, such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), quantum healing, The Work, the Emotion Code or the cosmic laws, such as the Law of Mirrors or the Law of Attraction, have brought me a lot of knowledge and experience, which I now combine and offer to help you on your path.
This path, my grounding and spirituality, as well as my high level of empathy and sensitivity, make me an expert in the field of emotional issues.
Take a look at how I can support you on your path.