My offerings
Healing takes place through awareness, transformation and feeling.
I will accompany you with my experience, knowledge, empathy and intuition.

1:1 shamanic treatments
Let me guide you as a shamanic healer on a journey to your inner beauty and your true self and experience profound healing.
In our individual sessions, we will address your current issues and I will give you impulses for healing through my treatment and by making you aware of the causes.
Energy balancing: approx. 60 minutes from 130,- Euro

Treatment of animals and rooms
Our pets also have issues, such as fears or illnesses, that affect their behavior.
I am happy to support you in healing your pet.
This is possible locally within Berlin or remotely.
Energy balancing: approx. 60 minutes from 100,- Euro (plus travel costs within Berlin 20,- Euro

Personal coaching
My main focus is on shamanic treatments.
As there can be a few emotional waves in the healing process, there are various tools to help you cope with them.
In addition to the shamanic treatments, I also offer personal coaching in my longer-term support of 3 - 6 months, in which I use tools to better cope with the waves:
The Work
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Emotional coaching
Energy is not limited by space, it is everywhere.
Therefore, my appointments can take place on site in Berlin or remotely by telephone/online.
Longer-term support can be arranged individually.
Feel free to contact me for a 30-minute preliminary talk in person in Berlin, via Zoom or Whatsapp video call.

Herzfotografie für Dich und dein Business
Ich sehe Dich und dein Business auf der Seelenebene. Mein besonderer Blick auf Dich und dein Business lässt persönliche Bilder entstehen.
Als freie Fotografin halte ich für dich Momente deines Business, deiner Workshops oder Retreats für dich fest.
Ich fotografiere mit dem Herzen.
Daher zeigen Dich meine Portraits wie du bist und Du kannst dich mit ihnen auf Social Media oder deiner Webseite genauso zeigen.
Lass uns über eine gemeinsame Arbeit sprechen.